10 Benefits of Divine Direction


Benefits of divine direction
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What are the benefits of divine Direction? How will I know when I am divinely directed? If you are searching for the answer to these questions or something similar to this, you are in the right place. In this post, we shall explore from the scriptures to find out the true meaning of divine direction and the numerous benefits it can bring to the man or woman who subcribes to it. I often say that a life without direction will eventually end up in confusion, stagnation, frustration and destruction. Second to our salvation, the greatest need of every human is divine direction. Everyday, as humans we hear numerous voices from different quaters seeking to direct our decision, action and invariably rule our lives and destiny. Every man in his best is still human with flesh and blood and therefore liable to errors. Hence, our human senses, knowledge, ideas and understanding can be 100% wrong. That's why the Bible says, there are many ways that may seem right in the eyes of a man but the end of it is death. There are many things we don't know. That's why we need divine direction. We need God who the scriptures describe as the only wise God to guide us and direct us in all our ways. Some folks have traveled out of their country in search of greener pastures only to be frustrated beyond recovery. Divine direction is as important as the oxygen that flows in your nostrils. One wrong step can crash someone's whole destiny. This is why I want to show you the benefits of divine direction  so you can appreciate its value and worth and subscribe to it all the days of your life. With all these being said, let's get started.

What is Divine Direction?

Divine direction is the leading or guidance of the almighty God in the life of a man or woman in a particular area of need per time. It is God taking your hands and leading you in the right ways you are to follow to arrive at your glorious destiny. Divine direction is not a religious myth. It is as real as my nose. By the grace of God I have enjoyed divine direction in different areas of my life, at different time. By divine direction, I have visited one of my kinsmen who was living in a different part of the town where I was living. I wanted to see him urgently and invite him to my meeting but I didn't know the particular address where he was living, neither did I have his contacts. So I said, Holy Spirit, you are a person and you know where brother Smart is living, so take me to his house. Immediately I heard his voice, " go to MCC junction and take a taxi to Umuojima junction. I simply followed the leading of the Spirit. And when I got there, the Spirit said, cross to the other side. I went over as the Spirit directed, then I began to walk down the road, something strange happened. The Holy Spirit said to me, "that black gate over there is the house you are looking for". At that point I thought I was going crazy, I argued and protested, " How can it be?, this can't be true ", so I continued my journey but as I took three steps forward, my mind said to me, why don't you knock on that black gate and find out if what the Spirit of God told you is right or wrong. I hurriedly went back and knocked on that black gate, to my surprise, the younger brother of the man I was looking for came and opened the gate. The young man, was surprised to see me in their house and he asked me, " Pastor how did you know our house?" I replied, I didn't know your house, the Holy Spirit led me to come here. Friends, divine direction is not a cock and bull story. It is real like the clothes you are wearing right now. It is better experienced than told. I have experienced it several times, and I can tell you it's the sweetest thing that can happen to anyone. You need the voice of God to lead and guide you through the rigorous routes of life and destiny. Everything in Destiny rises and falls on divine direction. Purpose is powerless without divine direction. Visions and dreams may die and waste in obscurity without divine direction. Every outstanding achievement in the life of a child of God is traceable to divine direction. Nothing of value can be achieved in life without unwavering commitment and compliance to divine direction. Below are 10 benefits of divine direction.

Benefits of Divine Direction 

1. Divine direction makes One to become Great- Matt 4:19

One of the benefits of divine direction is that it makes great. There's nothing like a self-made millionaire. No one can actually make himself great. Behind every successful man or woman in the kingdom is divine direction. You went there and succeeded because God led you and you followed Him. Whatever good or great you have achieved today is because God led you into it and you complied. Following divine direction is the maker of the saints. Places don't actually make people great. You can only become great where God has led you to stay. If God didn't ask you to go to Lagos, if you go there by your own self, you won't like what you will see when you get there. Following God's plan for your life guarantees a colourful future. Yes, it will make you a star on the earth. 

2. Divine direction guarantees Profit in life and business - Isaiah 48:17

One of the benefits of divine direction is that it empowers you to make profit in the areas where He is leading you. Friends, life is not supposed to be a trial and error thing. You are not created to be a specimen. There's a way you should go in life. There is a business you should do and there is a business you shouldn't involve yourself in. Sir, if you are not recording profit in your business, maybe you are the one who chose the business and not God. If everything you see in that place you are working or living is losses upon losses, then you are out of divine direction. Anywhere God leads you, He empowers you to make profit there. One sign that God is leading you is Profit without gimmicks. 

3. Divine direction guarantees Abundance and Plenty - Psalm 23:2

Divine direction
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Get Pastor Damian Alamba's Book on Evangelism: https://selar.co/ui5p

One of the signs you will see when God is leading you is plenty and abundance. Divine direction terminates lack and want in every area of life. When Jesus led his disciples in the wilderness, He multiplied five loaves of bread into twelve baskets. When God led the people of Israel out of Egypt, He supplied abundance of manna in their midst. They didn't need to beg to survive. God won't be leading you and you are stealing to survive. Divine direction is the mother of Provision. When you secure His direction, you are entitled to enjoy His provision. Excessive lack and want are indicators of lack of divine direction. 

4. Divine direction leads to Divine Restoration - Psalm 23:3, 1 Sam 30:8

One of the benefits of divine direction is total restoration. It doesn't matter what the enemy has stolen from you, the moment you secure God's direction, you can recover all. Lost opportunities, lost Glory and lost destines can be restored through the instrumentality of God's direction. David pursued after his enemies and recovered all because he enquired from the Lord and got the direction to follow from the Lord. Have you lost your job, or your relationship or your business? Don't be in a haste to pursue after another one. First enquire from the Lord which way to go and your restoration will begin sooner than you can imagine. 

5. Divine direction guarantees rest and ease in life and destiny - Matt 11:28-30

One of the indicators of a life, business, marriage, Ministry or destiny that is under the influence of divine direction is rest and ease. When you are struggling and sweating profusely more than necessary, you may be out of divine guidance. Jesus said, "my yoke is easy and my burden is light". If your ministry is not easy for you, then you may be doing something He didn't ask you to do for Him. If your marriage has become a heavy burden, you are not walking in divine plan. One of the benefits of divine direction is rest and ease. When God is leading you, rest and ease are guaranteed. Too much struggling and excess labour without result are present when divine direction is absent. Do you want to live an easy life? If yes, then subscribe to divine direction today. Don't open any business because that is what is reigning now. Before you start any business, ask God if this is His plan for you. You can have rest of mind when you operate by divine direction. Hear this, If you operate by God's commandment, you will become a commander in that area God has deployed you on the earth.

6. Divine direction guarantees Divine Protection- Psalms 78:14, Psalm 78:53

Friends, anywhere God leads you is where your safety, security and protection are guaranteed. God is only permitted to protect you where He has deployed you. Anything God leads you to do is what He will protect with everything He has. God led the children of Israel by the day with a pillar of cloud to protect them from the heat of the sun, He led them by the night with a pillar of fire to defend them against anyone who may wants to attack them. Saints of God, to be divinely guided is to be heavily protected. Please don't step out of your house causally without a sense of divine direction. It is risky to embark on any journey without the leading of the Lord. When you have His leading, you can be confident that you have His back up. 

Divine direction
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Get Pastor Damian Alamba's Book on Evangelism: https://selar.co/ui5p

7. Divine direction guarantees total deliverance- Matt 6:13

One of the benefits of divine direction is deliverance. When God is leading you, He will deliver you from all evil. The Challenges and battles of life come without time-table. Sometimes you come out from one trouble only to see another one looking at you. That's why you need divine direction. When God is leading you, He will fight for you and bring you out of your troubles. God doesn't lead His people into temptation. Every temptation or trial that you have experienced as a child of God didn't come from God. Satan is the one behind all your troubles. You  need God to deliver you from every trouble in your way and the easiest way to get that deliverance is via divine direction.

8. Divine direction authenticates and establishes our Sonship in Christ- Rom 8:14

One of the benefits of divine direction is the fact that it establishes and authenticates our Sonship in Christ. One indicator that someone has come into sonship is compliance and subscription to divine direction and guidance. When you lack divine direction, your sonship is questionable. There's no Mercedes car that is not led and run by Mercedes engine. When you are continually led by the Spirit of God, it is a mark that you are a son of God. Lack of divine direction makes your sonship worthless. You can't be a son and won't enjoy His leading. Infact what actually shows that one has come into sonship is compliance to divine instructions and direction. A son is forever subject to the will of His father.   

If you are not following divine direction, you are not manifesting your sonship.

9. Divine direction guarantees Divine intervention and wonders without number- Isaiah 48:21

There's no limit to what divine direction can do in the life of a man or woman who subscribes to it. One of such blessings is divine interventions and heart- pricking wonders. The problem of your environment is not your problem. When you are operating under divine direction, God can cause rivers to flow out of the rock in your desert. He can turn your obstacles into miracles and adversity into an opportunity for benefit. Miracles happen cheaply where divine direction is present. When God is leading you, He can break protocols for your sake. Natural laws can be suspended just to favour and advance your life forward when you are under divine direction. 

10. Divine direction helps you to make right decisions and accurate judgement- Psalms 25:9

Guess work and wrong decisions can be avoided when we pursue and secure divine direction in any area of our need. It was through divine direction that the people of Israel left Egypt and it ended up being the best decision they ever made. Solomon made a wise judgement when two women brought an argument about the owner of the living child and the dead child. He was able to tell the right owner of the living child without guessing by divine direction which is the wisdom of God. You won't make mistakess in your analysis and decisions from today onwards. As you secure divine direction, you will know the right thing to do, at the right place, at the right time. Your judgement will be accurate and flawless as you subscribe to divine direction.

Final Thought

Now that we have seen the benefits of divine direction, another question we need to consider is, how does God lead? What parameters or channels can we use to access divine direction? Stay connected with me and come back to this site as I will drop another article on how to access divine direction. It will be one resource you will make reference to the remaining days of your life. I am sure you got value from this post. Use the comment box below and let me know what your opinion on this subject is.

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Damian Alamba

Author| Copywriter| Data Entry & Research Specialist| Business Data Analyst| Web designer| Preacher Damian Alamba is the Founder/CEO Damianalamba.com and WINDA Group, a Real Estate, Media and Technology Company based in Nigeria. Damian Alamba is a Part of the current Charismatic renaissance sweeping across the African Continent and some other parts of the World. He is an International Evangelist and New Testament Prophet. Called with a divine Mandate to raise Leaders that Represent Heaven on Earth, He is the President and Founder Wondercity International Ministries. He is one of the few respected, God fearing and anointed Man of God in this our time and generation. His messages based on faith and righteousness have undoubtedly brought salvation, healing, deliverance and transformation to millions of people around the World. God has wrought many outstanding miracles, signs and wonders through him. Some of His books Include: The Mystery of Prayer, How to Pray and Get Answer, Running with Vision, Breaking the Spirit of Poverty, Prosperity Without Tears and several others.

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